Downtown Orlando campus provides a range of day services and coordinated care through partnerships
You see the need, but you don’t know what to do. Give the person who looks homeless on the corner a dollar or spare change? Maybe some food? Even then, you don’t see all of the need. Most of it is out of sight, in the shadows and dark spaces beyond the street lights. At least 2,000 people in Orlando tonight will sleep in cars, camps, on benches or sidewalks, in makeshift camps in the woods, or in shelters.
The good news is there is a robust system of service organizations like ours with passionate workers and volunteers dedicated to helping the hungry, unsheltered, and least fortunate in our community. This system is most effective when it’s inter-connected. Imagine hundreds of professionals in essential services working together in Orlando.
The Christian Service Center is blessed to be in a position to not only help people, we can help other organizations that help people. Better utilizing the space available on our Downtown Orlando campus in Parramore, a variety of day services and coordinated care are available to guests.
This is just the beginning. We are lifting hundreds of adults and families who are homeless out of their desperate situation so they no longer live in destitution and are no longer reliant on the system. We strive to build people to self-sufficiency. And, we want you to do that with us. Together, we can and will deliver effective solutions to twenty-first century problems!
There is a lot happening and you should come see for yourself! Request a tour of our Downtown campus by visiting our Contact Us page or send an e-mail to EmailUs@ChristianServiceCenter.org
“To truly make a lasting dent in reducing poverty and homelessness, it is vital that all of our collective efforts in Central Florida are coordinated.”
–Eric Gray, Executive Director
Click each logo to learn more
SALT Outreach
Standing for Service and Love Together, SALT is a young adult ministry providing trailers with showers and laundry, haircuts, toiletries, clothing, plus case management & street outreach on Sunday-Friday (closed Saturday).
Straight Street
An exciting meal-sharing program for inner-city Orlando. Together with volunteers, they serve dinner starting at 5:30 p.m. weekday evenings, Monday-Friday.
Downtown outreach of Orange Blossom Family Health focused on getting unsheltered people from the street into housing or connected to other resource providers.
Compassion Corner
A program of First Presbyterian Church of Orlando, providing coffee and devotion Mon.-Thur. starting at 8:30 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. in our Daily Bread dining hall.
OBFHC (aka HCCH) Health Clinic
Health Care Center for the Homeless' mobile unit offers primary and urgent care, behavioral health, labs and more for Central Florida’s most vulnerable population Tues.Thur.
First Step Staffing
Assisting unsheltered adults and people with criminal backgrounds get back into the workforce with immediate job placement.