Apply your particular expertise for the betterment of your community by joining one of five volunteer committees at the Christian Service Center! Like every nonprofit, our greatest asset is the passion and engagement of volunteers. Especially in these challenging times, human services agencies always need cooperative leaders with fresh ideas and new perspectives.
Please read more about each committee and reach out using the buttons provided to express your interest.
Chair: Jane Callahan
This volunteer leadership group is responsible for looking at overall employee and volunteer leadership satisfaction as well as nominating new volunteer leaders, sitting on search committees for various staff openings and ensuring our overall volunteer program is sound. This committee makes formal recommendations for staff benefits changes, nominations to the board of directors and by-laws revisions. This committee serves a human resources, governance and nomination function for the formal 501(c)3 Christian Service Center. This group meets four to six times annually and the chairperson serves additionally on the executive committee.
Focus: Reviewing governance and by-laws procedures for the organization. Nomination of new board members. Retirement Planning and Parental Leave Policy for CSC staff. Addressing critical areas from the Employee Satisfaction Survey. Expansion of committee involvement.
Meeting Schedule: Every other Month on the 3rd Tuesday from 4 to 5pm via teleconference.
Chair: Parks Bennett
The Development Committee has a two-fold goal of working hard to meet the annual fundraising goal for the organization ($3.87 million) as well as advocating for the organization and our clients in the community through earned media, public relations and marketing efforts. This committee is charged with forming ad-hoc or sub-committees focused on special event fundraisers such as our golf scramble or Annual Banquet festivities. The chair of this committee serves as a member of the executive committee.
Focus for 2024: Helping CSC raise $3.87 MM towards its annual fund goal. Expanding our planned giving program. Planning seasonal fundraising events including our Annual Banquet in the Fall. Developing earned media strategies to promote our cause to the community.
Meeting Schedule: Monthly on the 2nd Wednesday from 2pm to 3pm at the Christian Service Center or Teleconference. Schedule change to Wednesdays as of August 2024.
Chair: Christopher Brown
The Finance Committee provides oversight of all Christian Service Center financial activities with monthly reviews of the Profit & Loss statement and Balance Sheet. They are responsible for the annual audit and investment policies for the organization, as well as approving an annual budget for board review and finalization.
Meeting Schedule: Meets with Executive Committee. Every other month on 4th Thurs. from 9am to 10am.
Chair: Pia Valvassori, PhD
Responsible for the organization mission and its program outcomes, this committee is charged with helping our clients in need. This committee focuses on bringing resources to bear for our Family & Emergency Services Program, Daily Bread hot lunch program, Love Pantry emergency food program in elementary schools and our Day Services Center for the Homeless. This committee meets monthly. As with all committees, the chair of this committee also serves on the executive committee.
Focus for 2024: Exploring key topics effecting persons experiencing homelessness including Supreme Court Case Grants Pass vs. Johnson, criminalization, impacts of extreme heat, access to restrooms and sanitation, and more. This dynamic groups creates advocacy agendas and organizes opinion publications, press conferences, educational presentations, and community conversations around these critical and timely issues.
Meeting Schedule: Monthly on the 4th Wednesday from 9:00am-10:00am in-person or via teleconference.
Chair: Howard Lee
The physical plant in Orlando, Winter Park and Ocoee are the responsibility of this volunteer leadership group whose chair also serves on the executive committee. This group takes both a short and long term view of the organizations needs by focusing both on repairs and maintenance needs as well as property acquisition, architecture, interior space management, large volunteer work projects and more. This group also forms ad-hoc or sub-committees to focus on areas such as new building construction, landscaping, real estate and more.
Focus: Massive Capital improvement Campaign of Parramore campus; maintenance & repairs at Ocoee campus. User agreement with partners providing services on our campuses. Renovation and Modernization plan improving Day Service operations for the unsheltered in Parramore.
Meeting Schedule: Monthly on the 3rd Wednesday from 9am to 10am.
Chair: Janice Hagensicker
Comprised of the chairs of our five committees as well as the board president & past-president. The position of vice-president and secretary are dually held by one of the committee chairs. Our leadership roles all serve for one year within their normal board term of three years with an option for a 2nd term. The secretary serves as vice-president in the next year and then president of the board and then past president. This committee traditionally meets 10 times annually on a monthly basis.
Meeting Schedule: Monthly on the 4th Thursday from 9am to 10am.