The Christian Service Center was blessed with over 30,000 hours served by our volunteers in 2023!
We could not accomplish our mission without you! Whether you want to be on the front lines and serving lunch, checking clients in for services, working behind the scenes sorting and organizing donations, or preparing groceries for a family in need we have an opportunity for you! View all our current volunteer assignments by clicking on the “Volunteer Opportunities” button below. We currently have volunteer assignments Monday-Friday from 6:00am-4:00pm, however if you are looking for weekends or evenings check out our onsite partners (we can hyperlink “onsite partners” to go to the campus partners page of the website) for additional opportunities!
Ready to become part of the CSC Volunteer family?
Select “New Volunteer” below and create your Volunteer Account to get started making an impact today! Once you have finished your Volunteer Application, log into your account and scheduling portal using the “Returning Volunteer” button below!
On behalf of those we are called to serve, thank you!
View and download our Volunteer Release and Guidelines.
Questions? Please call 407.425.2523 ext.239 or send an email to: Volunteer@ChristianServiceCenter.org
West Orange Family Life Center
Our West Orange location is looking for part-time volunteers to assist in the following ways:
Thrift Store Assistant
Front Desk Intake & Phones Assistant
Daily Bread Lunchtime Servers
Sign up and view West Orange opps on our Volunteer Scheduling Portal using the links/buttons above.
Providing Meals on Weekends and Holidays!
We are always looking for groups to provide a meal on days the Center is closed. We will grant you access to our property and our Daily Bread Kitchen for you to prepare or heat the meals you serve, and the clients will be able to sit out of the elements and enjoy their meal at our picnic tables! You can now sign up to provide a meal when the center is closed directly through our volunteer portal! Once you have created your account, please contact Volunteer@ChristianServiceCenter.org for further information.
Have any skills or services you would like to share?
We are blessed to have the Barber Academy of Orlando volunteering their time to provide our clients with haircuts every week. If you have a skill or service that you would like to offer to our clients one time or on a regular basis, we would be delighted to hear from you!